Articles Corporate Gifting

Welcome Kits: The Secret to Happy New Employees

Welcome Kit

Starting a new job can be both exciting and daunting for new employees. As an employer, ensuring your new hires feel welcome and comfortable from day one is important. One way to do this is by providing them with a welcome kit. Welcome kits are a simple yet effective way to show your new employees that you appreciate them and are excited to have them on board.

So before going to an employee gifting platform, here’s how welcome kits create a positive and productive work environment.

Show Employee Appreciation

Providing welcome kits to new employees is a wonderful gesture that shows your gratitude towards them and enthusiasm for their addition to the team. Customizing a gift or welcome package can make your new hires feel appreciated and acknowledged. This could greatly affect their confidence and ease in adjusting to their new position, ultimately leading to better job performance.

Improve Employee Performance and Productivity

If employees are shown appreciation and support, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their job. This can result in higher productivity and improved overall performance. Providing a welcome kit can aid new employees in performing their best by equipping them with the necessary resources and tools.

Many employee gifting platforms offer customized welcome kits, including branded company merchandise, office supplies, snacks, and personalized notes or messages from their new team members. These kits can help new hires feel welcomed and comfortable in their new work environment.

Reduce Employee Turnover

One of the biggest difficulties businesses face is when employees leave, and it can be even harder to keep new hires who have yet to commit to their job fully. But, creating a welcome kit can help decrease the chances of losing these employees.

When acknowledged and assisted, employees tend to stick with the organization longer. This is an advantageous move for businesses aiming to establish a dependable workforce.

Promote Strong Company Culture

Creating a welcoming and supportive environment for new employees fosters community and inclusivity in the workplace. This is especially important for remote teams, where developing a unified culture can be difficult. A welcome kit establishes a solid foundation for your company’s culture and makes new hires feel appreciated and valued.

Provide Information About the New Hire’s Role

Welcome kits offer personalized gifts to new hires and provide crucial information regarding their job responsibilities. The kit may comprise job descriptions, training materials, and other relevant information about the company and its work culture. This helps new employees to acquaint themselves with the company’s expectations and quickly adapt to their new roles.

Pave the Way for Employee Engagement

Employee engagement entails the commitment and dedication of employees toward their job and the company they work for. A welcome kit can pave the way for employee engagement by providing information about the company’s mission, values, and culture. This can help new hires understand the company’s goals and how they can contribute.

Final Thoughts

Welcome kits are an essential tool in the onboarding process of new employees. They provide a warm welcome and help new hires feel appreciated and valued. 

With a well-designed welcome kit from employee gifting platforms, companies can set the stage for employee engagement and retention, leading to a more productive and successful workforce. So why not try it and see how welcome kits benefit your business?

Discover a better way to appreciate your employees with Givenly’s exceptional employee gifting platform. Our comprehensive platform allows you to personalize and send gifts for your team, boosting employee morale and productivity. Whether you want to celebrate a special occasion or show appreciation, Givenly has got you covered. Get started today and witness the power of employee appreciation!